Umsi weDada Phantsi Idyasi yePuffer

R 2,399.90


Kweyona nto isebenzayo emnyama engathathi hlangothi, idyasi yakho ye-Smoke Duck Down puffer iya kuba yeyona nto isetyenziswayo kwiwadi yakho yasebusika. Ayinaburhalarhume njengomnyama, kodwa iluncedo, idyasi yakho emnyama engwevu inokunxitywa phezulu okanye phantsi ngokulula. Bonke ukufudumala ngaphandle kobuninzi, unokugqoka ingubo yakho emsebenzini okanye kwimisebenzi yentlalo ngokufanayo.


- 2 iipokotho ezineziphu

- Ubunzima bedyasi: 350g

-Ihood efumanekayo kunye nehood ehlengahlengiswayo

- Ubude obude bokufudumala okongeziweyo

-Iziphu ezi-2 ( khulula umntla okanye umzantsi wedyasi)

- Gcwalisa Amandla: 650

- Gcwalisa umlinganiselo: 90/10 Idada elimhlophe phantsi

- Iyawakhaba amanzi

- Ubungqina bomoya

- Iqokobhe elithambileyo langaphandle

- Ithathwe ngokusesikweni, i-RDS ivunywe phantsi

- Ifakwe engxoweni

-I- Faux Fur trim esuswayo inokongezwa

Izinto eziphathekayo

- Ngaphandle: 20D Inayiloni

- Ngaphakathi 90/10 idada emhlophe phantsi

Imiyalelo Yenkathalo

- Ukuhlamba izandla okanye umatshini. Jonga ezona ndlela zilungileyo zokuhlamba ibhatyi yakho yepuffer Apha.

  • Aero-Grade Steel Zippers
  • Four (4) pockets (two inside and two outside) 
  • Removable hood
  • 650+ Fill Power
  • 90/10 Pure Duck Down 
  • Water-resistant 
  • Wind-proof
  • SoftShell outer
  • Ethically sourced, RDS® approved down 
  • Pocketable into a bag

Care Instructions can be found here: Duck Down Care Instructions

Duck Apparel

Why Duck Apparel™ Jackets & Parkas?

4.9 10,000+ Reviews

100% Pure Duck Down

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650+ Thermal Fill Power

Removable Hood



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